Thursday, January 8, 2009

It was going a little too easy...

Wedding planning has gone very smoothly, and this last week has been exceptionally so. So of course i wake up to find that I-5 and the passes have been shut down due to flooding. And of course I have a handful of family and friends up north who now aren't likely to make it. But the big stress is that both one of my bridesmaids and my PHOTOGRAPHER are up north. Now we have to find a way to get them here. My mom was stressing and started crying...and I wasn't to stressed about it. But now everyone seems just a little to relaxed about it, and I am starting to stress. Colin says he'll drive around to seaside up to aberdeen and around to olympia to get my cousin erin who is the photographer but who knows if those roads are open or about to flood at any moment. I would rather just get both them on flights, but everyone else seems to think it will work out! Grrr...I blame leilani, just last night she told me that every wedding has glitches and I would probably have one too....Well i do and its a pretty big one! Damn mother nature!

1 comment:

Patty Stephens said...

What a horrible surprise. I'm glad everything is back to mellow now. stupid rain!