Saturday, October 4, 2008


Mom, her friend Jamie and I went and saw Nights in Rodanthe tonight (see below rant for review)! And we got there first, got premium spots in the back row dead center. People came in but it wasn't backed so it was looking like it would be a pretty decent seating scenario (i hate when every seat is packed and strangers are right next to you. Well almost till right before the movie starts, no one else was in our row. Then a couple walks in and sits about four seats from my mom (im next to her, then jamie on the other side of me). Movie starts, and there is a pretty loud song on the opening title....and what do I hear???? Talking over a fairly loud song, the loudest point of the movie, from the dude four seats down from my mom. I give him the benefit of the doubt, but oh no he keeps talking. And maybe in any other movie I wouldn't have let it get to me, but i am a devout Nicholas Sparks Fan, an avid reader of his books and have a passion for movies made from his books. So hey, i was a little irritated...rightfully so in my opinion. 

So I lean around my mom and give "the dirty look" but neither the man or his wife notice. In the past it would have stopped her, but apparently I grew the balls that my mom has some how lost in the last few years (she use to embarrass me so bad when i was a teen, because she wouldn't put up with that kinda crap). So after 5 or 10 more minutes of talking i take a big step for me and lean around my mom and go "SSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!". For most normal people, hey that would be enough for them to say to themselves "hmm i must be louder than i thought? ill be quiet now." But oh no, this man is not normal. So then all the sudden Jamie, who is like 7 or 8 seats away from this man, says to me " I hear talking" I point to the direction of the sound. She leans around both my mom and I and says "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" about 2 times louder than me. And does it stop? Oh no of course not. My mom keeps telling me to ignore it or sit on the other side of Jamie...but hell I am now pissed that they are ruining one of my movies! So after 10 more minutes of talking I lean around my mom and go "Would you please STOP talking?" And go back to watching my movie. The wife says to my mom "we are whispering" mom tells them that actually they are really loud. And what do I hear the old shit of a man say "Whats her problem?" So not only is he loud but he must be deaf too.  Well my mom tells me to let it go, I fume...and they continue to talk! Jamie wanted to give them a beat down or at least call the theater...but we got enthralled in the movie and ignored them. For a time I couldn't get past my anger enough to focus on the movie, but the sheer beauty of nicholas sparks did wonders!

So here the review....minus obnoxious old farts who were never taught manners or respect for fellow movie patrons....Despite bad reviews, Nights in Rodanthe was beautiful. I laughed I cried, and I fell more in love with the work of Nicholas Sparks. Diane Lane and Richard Gere did a fantastic job. Though I absolutely adore all of his books, in a fight amongst them, Nights In Rodanthe is farther down on my list of favorites...probably because its about older people and I read in when i was 15 and probably didn't truly get it. But even so...the movie was in my opinion Beautiful, Heartwarming and breaking and worth the hefty fee to see it! But do yourself a favor and bring kleenex!

1 comment:

Patty Stephens said...

I hate asshole people at the movies!! I sat next to a group of girls in Hairspray who SANG every fucking SONG!!! JERKS!!!!