Sunday, February 22, 2009

Busch Gardens

Well this post is a little delayed but I wanted to post my pictures. SO for Valentine's Day instead of doing gifts (since we have been buying so much for the apartment), we decided to do something fun. So since we can get in free to Busch Gardens we decided to spend a fun day riding roller coasters. It was a blast, as most know I love roller coasters, so busch gardens is my idea of a perfect day! Afterward we came home and relaxed on the couch, ordered take-out and watched Harry Potter 5. It was nice to actually spend a Valentine's Day with Jeremy.
We did end up getting these matching Busch Gardens mugs for each other. I never find things with my name spelled right, so we decided to get them!

1 comment:

Patty Stephens said...

What a perfect Valentines Day!! I'm so with you. Skip the candy and flowers and do something fun!